You Wrote Me?!!

I decided to do a 4 star assignment entitled Line Remix. The assignment was to

Take a famous line from a movie and remix it. to create an entirely new story from just this one line. Get creative, but make sure to have a good balance between what you add and keep to make sure that the line is still regonizable, but tells the story completly differently.

I started my downloading a YouTube video of The Notebook Kissing Scene. I thought it would be funny to take the scene where Noah tells Ally he wrote her and change it into more of a stalkerish feel, than a romantic one.

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I then converted the YouTube video to an MP3 using a YouTube converter. This will allow me to better manipulate the different sound in the video. This is also how you get a video from YouTube to Audacity. I’ve been trying to figure out how to do this for so long and then my roommate said why don’t you just use a converter

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I then uploaded the MP3 to Audacity.When you download the MP3 file from the converter you can just drag the file straight to Audacity and drop it.

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In order to remove the background noise (rain and music) I used Noise Reduction. That left me with a very quiet audio as you can see in the wave lengths below.

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Then I used the Amplify tool to make the audio louder. You can only amplify it so loud. For example below the OK button is faded and you can’t click it because the amplification is too high.

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After amplifying the wavelengths were a lot bigger as you can see below.

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I then cut the empty spaces out so there wasn’t long dramatic breaks. I feel like long dramatic breaks work better for the romantic feel where when your scared it’s shorter sentences and shorter breaks in between. Below you can see the difference in the length compared to above. I did this by selecting a section and then pressing delete. You have to make sure that the file is stopped and not running in order to delete or do any effects to do any alterations to the file.

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I wanted Noah to sound scarier and Allie to sound more shocked so I changed the speed, pitch, and tempo.

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I also played around with Equalization tool. This allowed me to change different points within a selected amount of the audio clip and change the dB and a certain Hz. This tool was very helpful in changing the way the sentences were said.

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I decided to check out some of the blogs while doing this assignment and found that most people just rearranged the words and made different sentences using some of the same words. They then recorded themselves saying the rearranged words. This seemed easier than what I was doing of trying to change the tone of their voices. I looked at a Mean Girls, Princess Diaries, and She’s the Man one and they all did this. There rearrangements were very funny!

If I did the assignment like they did above I would have kept the same line:

Young Noah: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you everyday for a year.
Young Allie: You wrote me?
Young Noah: Yes… it wasn’t over, it still isn’t over.

And then I would have remixed the line to:

Young Noah: I watched you 365 times. I watched you everyday for a year.

Young Allie : You watched me?

Young Noah: Yes… it wasn’t over, it still isn’t over.

x Kelsey